Ebook {Epub PDF} The Forbidden Hybrid by Amara Chenevert
Quotes by Amara Chenevert “My gaze slid across every face and stopped abruptly when I saw an Angelic faced woman who appeared to be in her early 20s. She had waist length hair as black as night.5/5(9). The Forbidden Hybrid. likes · 3 talking about this. Record LabelMissing: Amara Chenevert. 1 quote from Amara Chenevert: 'My gaze slid across every face and stopped abruptly when I saw an Angelic faced woman who appeared to be in her early 20s. She had waist length hair as black as night. And eyes that were emerald green with a gold tint to them. When her gaze met mine, she screamed and fell to her knees her gaze never leaving mine.
Silas and Amara's love, even though powerful and strong, was also forbidden as Silas was engaged to be married to Qetsiyah and Amara was the personal handmaiden of Qetsiyah. In order for Silas to get help to create the spell, Silas manipulated and convinced Qetsiyah that he loved her and wanted to spend an eternity with her. Chapter Chapter Text. Chapter "I don't think this is a good idea," Skull couldn't help but mumble softly, purple eyes darting every which direction as though expecting something to jump out of the shadows and attack the two Cured Arcobaleno at a moments notice. "Nonsense," Verde mumbled softly- his own eyes scanning the area around them. She has to balance being pregnant, a legal guardian and the girlfriend of the Original Hybrid whose one mission is to take back the city he loves. Originals - Rated: T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 75 - Words: , - Reviews: - Favs: - Follows: - Updated: 7/24/ - Published: 3/30/ - [Klaus M., OC] Elijah M.
The Forbidden Hybrid, Harding, KwaZulu-Natal. likes. Musician/Band. The Forbidden Hybrid Series The Binded Hybrids. Amara Chenevert. 1. The Forbidden Hybrid (The Forbidden Hybrid, # 1) by Amara Chenevert (Goodreads Author). it was amazing avg rating — 2 ratings.