Ebook {Epub PDF} A Reporters Life by Walter Cronkite
Detailed plot synopsis reviews of A Reporter's Life Working for thirty years as the CBS anchorman, Walter Cronkite saw a lot of news and helped Americans understand what was happening in their world. He writes about important events that occurred throughout the second half of the twentieth century and explains how they were presented on the television news as they were. · "A Reporter's Life" reveals Cronkite's depth and passion for journalism and his unique insight to life, masterfully presented by the Master himself. A read you will return to again and again. "And that's the way it is"/5(8). A Reporter's Life. Cronkite, Walter. Published by Alfred a Knopf Inc, Westminister, Maryland, U.S.A., ISBN ISBN
A Reporter's Life. By Walter Cronkite. Alfred A. Knopf $ Here's the way it is. Any mention of Walter Cronkite automatically requires a description of the former CBS News anchor as "avuncular.". The final hope of "A Reporter's Life" is that, wherever he is, "folks will stop me, as they do today, and ask: 'Didn't you used to be Walter Cronkite?' " The unspoken message for. It's quite thrilling to hear Walter Cronkite's voice again. For many listeners the CBS journalist was part of every day throughout the '60's, '70's, and '80s. Cronkite reviews his encounters with presidents, world leaders and the events of those years. The memoir shares Cronkite's opinions, not just his newscast presentation of facts and events.
A Reporter's Life. Cronkite, Walter. Published by Alfred a Knopf Inc, Westminister, Maryland, U.S.A., ISBN ISBN For nearly half a decade Walter Cronkite served as the voice of reason to millions of Americans who looked to his print, radio, and television reports for information and reassurance. This autobiography covers the life of Walter Cronkite from his early life as a lowly radio announcer to his ultimate stand at the pinnacle of journalism. Walter Cronkite’s A Reporter’s Life is an excellent biography of one of America’s outstanding journalist. Born in St. Joseph, Missouri in on November 4th, Cronkite began his journalism career as a campus correspondent at the Houston Post. He later worked as a local radio station reporter in Oklahoma City as a sports broadcaster.